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Who we are

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A financial services company with heart
Since 2002, we have built a team of caring experts with the knowledge, experience and relationships to offer solutions at scale to consumers who need our help.
22+ years
in business
US employees in AZ and CA
Voted Best Places to Work
Our mission is to empower everyday Americans to move forward towards a better financial future.Our mission is to empower everyday Americans to move forward towards a better financial future.
Our mission is to empower everyday Americans to move forward towards a better financial future.
(for everyone)
Get Better
Get Better
(every day)
Act With Integrity
Act With Integrity
(every time)
(with everybody)
Our core values
These concepts define who we are and how we behave every day - with each other, and with our customers. We embrace and evangelize these values.
“It would have taken me 15 years to get out of debt. With Freedom, it’s only going to take me 3.”
After putting herself through grad school, Alejandra struggled to keep up with student loan and credit card bills. Then, after 3 car accidents in less than a year made her expenses skyrocket, she fell further behind and worried she would never be debt-free. We showed her a way out.
Our operating principles
Empower our customers to take control
We help consumers take charge of their own financial destiny, both immediately and long-term.
Deliver enduring value
We are committed to helping consumers achieve greater long-term financial success.
Earn our clients’ trust, every day
We recommend appropriate solutions designed to meet consumers’ needs. We explain our solutions simply and clearly.
Keep consumers’ interests front and center
We are in this together with the people we serve. When our customers succeed, so do we.
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